I'm just testing out a few things for now -- there may (or may not be - don't know just yet) a web site at some time here.
Karsten J. Chikuri
Update - January 9th, 2005: An Impromptu Audio Clip featuring a newly programmed EWI patch. This audio file was originally meant for me to evaluate the patch and correct any problems - the recording (and the performance) is a bit rough - but, I hope you enjoy it just the same.
Update #2 - January 9th, 2005: Here is an arrangement of Ravel's Quartet in F Major (originally scored for String Quartet) performed on the Akai EWI. The individual string instrument sounds are samples from the Sweetwater Sound website and was originally from a Kurzweil K250 keyboard. It's amazing because of how realistic those old samples sound! Each part was recorded individually in overdub fashion - the song was not sequenced in any way.
Ravel's String Quartet in F Major