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I am convinced that there is great healing potential through the use of sound vibration. It has the ability to shake lose the stagnant patterns we hold within our physical, emotional and mental bodies, to the extent that we allow this process. Breaking through the patterns of fear, shame and guilt, and the resulting grief these patterns cause, allows us to once again feel the power of love and gives us the greatest opportunity of all; to heal our relationship with The Divine. This is the only way to lasting change, for it is the root cause of all our suffering. May my crystal bowl sound healing concerts give us a moment of stillness. May we achieve the feelings of peace and wholeness and remember the experience of Oneness where love gives birth to all possibilities. My intention is: To offer sacred, transformational music in alignment with Divine Love and Light. To assist in our awakening to our Spiritual Nature and its potential to heal ourselves and our world. To dedicate myself to my own ongoing healing process and personal transformation. |